Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Kilometers for Kenya’s Kids

While in Nairobi, my new traveling partner, Filippo (from Italy) and I worked on getting more done for the bike ride fundraiser to be held in October. After making some cold calls to each bike shop within walking distance that we found in the phone book with little success, we tried to look a little more on the internet. Just by chance, I came across a website for Extatic Cycling, a cycling club and a repair shop. I looked at their website, which had little more information than a phone number and a couple pictures of the team doing some long-distance event, I called. A guy answered, but I couldn’t understand him and assumed he didn’t speak English and then I hung up. When Marion, the business manager, came back to the office, I asked her to call him again, and she did and asked him if he’d meet with us the next day. Basically the guy on the other side of the phone knew nothing about us, and we knew nothing about him.

Next thing we know, we’re having coffee with two guys who have biked across Africa (yes, the entire continent, from Egypt to South Africa, riding for four months). Once we realized the experience that was sitting across from us, we started to ask what kind of experience they had with bike ride fundraisers. Turned out they had quite a bit. We went from guessing about how we would run our event to actually having more concrete plans. The cyclists, William and George, even took us to the bike shop they trust in Nairobi, a shop that sells used bikes in great condition. They were very willing to help us make Kilometers for Kenya’s Kids a successful event, and maybe, if we’re lucky, they’ll even join in the ride! If anyone's interested in finding out more information or donating, check out the SOTENI website (www.soteni.org) or let me know (shameless plug!).

Since leaving Nairobi, we’ve travelled to Ugenya, in the NyanzaProvince (Obamaland). I’m interested to see how the people here are reacting to Obama’s decision to make Ghana his first official Presidential visit to Africa. Maybe he’ll change his mind and come stay at the Camunya Hotel…


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